We have set up some basic twitter accounts for teaching and learning groups across southampton. Our next job is to get the cities security to allow us to view it!
Another excellent site we were sign posted to was a site called visuawords. (google it !) This could be used in a variety of ways. In schools lucky enough to have laptops for children directly on their workstations, the resource could be used as an interactive thesaurus. Alternatively as a discussion tool using the interactive whiteboard. It is a good way to introduce other ways of planning- the visual nature of the links is a good model for developing children's thinking. If you are using the resource or have any others that you want to share do email me at Sally.craig@southampton.gov.uk. I will then add your ideas to this Teaching and Learning in Southampton blog.
If you want to see some of the latest innovative interactive teaching resources in action try the Oakwood Junior school site. The school is using film-pod casting- tagwords widely across the school- they have uploaded much of their work onto the school's amazing website. Take two minutes to visit you will not be disappointed.