Thursday, 22 May 2008

Filling in the IT Self Evaluation Framework- A visit from BECTA

Staff from all key stages attended a session led by David Meaton from BECTA- The IT SEF  was explained and advice was offered to use the online document to support the development of IT in all key stages.
 Some delegates will now apply for the much coveted Becta IT mark!
Mr Meaton highlighted the fact that schools holding the IT mark were four times more likely to be categorised as OUTSTANDING by ofsted inspectors. 

Support for schools reaching this valuable mark is available via either Jason Anderson or Sally Craig.

Wednesday, 21 May 2008

Algopods-day two Action Planning

Oakwood Junior school hosted the second meeting organised  to support the cities Algopod project. Eleven teachers attended, all with an array of exciting action plans to share with all the attending delegates.

The Algo Pod project aims are to provide a method of recording children's calculations-to create a progression of written calculation for children,  teachers, and parents via school's web sites.
Through the use of the record function on the interactive whiteboard, children are able to record their jottings, as well as have a forum for talking maths.   Please do not hesitate in contacting Sally Craig if you or your school are interested in the outcomes of this or any of the other projects spotlighted on this Blog.  

Afternoon at the Transition Conference

The afternoon saw input from the school library service, who shared work organised for the summer to support children's reading across the city.

The Southampton School Library Service supports all local authority schools in Southampton.

We provide resources and advice on the organisation and running of School Libraries. This page gives you more information about what we do.
Contact Details:
Address: Chris Thomas, Senior Schools Librarian: School Library Service, Warren Crescent, Shirley Warren, Southampton Postcode: SO16 6AY Telephone: 023 8078 0507Email: 023 8070 2783

Details of service:

We have a large collection of resources, books and cassettes. Your school can borrow these on a bulk loan basis. Our allocation is 2 books per pupil in secondary schools and 3 books per pupil in primary and special schools. The school can exchange items at the School Library Service Centre or through the School Library Mobile. The mobile visits primary schools regularly. To view the timetable click here.
Advisory Services
We offer a range of advisory services to support schools and give advice on all aspects of library management. We help with:
• Help with documentation: We help write library policy documents and development plans.
• Stock management: We help assess stock, evaluate old materials and make suggestions for new stock
• Designing library areas: We advise on new shelving and equipment including library management and security Systems.
• Promotion: We help staff with display techniques and the promotion of books.
• Help for senior management: We help them appoint staff for their library. We also loan videos and specialist texts about libraries.
• Promotional events: We help organise Book Weeks and other events like storytelling and book promotion sessions. We also give talks to PTA and Governor groups.
• Emotional Literacy: We offer advice and resources to support teachers. Click here to find out more.

Library Service Information

Patsy Rath shared the pivotal work undertaken by Saints Study Centre, and passed on an invitation from Chris Meach to both Year Six and Year Seven teachers to visit the Study Centre in the Summer break. Teachers from secondary schools shared previous experiences and fed back how important these short visits were to children coming to their schools. Please contact Chris Meach if you need any information about the program for the summer term.

Many thanks to Chris for organising this!
Unfortunately I had to leave before the end of the day, however the feedback from all staff was most positive. Thanks to all, it was an inspirational day.

Tuesday, 20 May 2008

Transition Conference morning sessions

How time flies- Transition time again!

Today's Transition Conference at Highfield House was very well attended by those schools who have been apart of the cities transition project. (Literacy KS2/KS3) Delegates attending represented both secondary and Primary schools.

A wonderful morning sharing in the success of so many classrooms, teachers and most importantly children. Teachers from both Keys stages shared the work children in their classes have been undertaking linked to the Transistion projects reading journal.

Having delivered many of the supporting activities that go alongside the journal, I was pleased that so many teachers took part in the activities having 'hands on' approach! It is wonderful to share teaching experience, share ideas and develop a joint understanding of transition. May it long continue! If you want any further information contact Sally Craig. Kerry Harris.

I was really pleased that carrying out the sound-scape activity was once again well received. I hope it helped both primary and secondary teachers understand how creative approaches can promote a deeper understanding of character's feelings and emotions.

Saturday, 3 May 2008

Free to twitter!

At last twittering is possible for teachers and schools on the city network. Set up a twitter with a learning network or a cluster group. We hope to set up twitter support groups for NQT's as well as for individual subject support. 
Google 'twitter' to find out more.